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The 6 crises of Secular Liberalism and the Legitimation Crisis…

Meaning — Truth — Epistemology — Reason — Social Justice — Role of the State — in a high dimensional – complex – emergent Material World

Richard Schutte
20 min readMar 7, 2021


“If we glance at the most important revolutions in history, we see at once that the greatest number of these originated in the periodical revolutions of the human mind”…

— Wilhelm von Humboldt

Secular Liberalism [1] emerged through the complex interplay between the European Enlightenment [2], Scientific Revolution [3] and the Christian Reformation [4].

It separated the State from the Religious beliefs [6] of its citizens and represented the convergence of two ideas — Liberalism [4a] and Secularism [4b].


At the core of Liberalism is the notion of Individual Liberty — we as Individuals have Agency — we are free to order our actions without being constrained or prohibited by the will of others.

“The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs or impede their efforts to obtain it. Each is the proper guardian of his own health, whether bodily or mental or spiritual. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest” …

John Stuart Mill

The onus or burden of proof to justify any restrictions on liberty is on the external power such as the State and Institutions.

The extension of liberty to private property was central to older forms of Liberalism. In contrast, newer forms saw the State's role in supervising and overseeing economic life to ensure a stable free Society.


Secularism [4b] is a principle that seeks to conduct human affairs independently of Religion and by the natural laws of our Material World.

It was based on the ideas of — pragmatismmaterialism naturalism — and was ultimately shaped by how we experience our day-to-day lives in a Material World.

“A Law of Nature (Lex Naturalis) is a Precept or general Rule, found out by Reason, by which a man is forbidden to do, that which is destructive of his life, or taketh away the means of preserving the same; and to omit, that, by which he thinketh it may be best preserved”…

― Thomas Hobbes

The ideas of secularism existed in many ancient and modern cultures around the World.

In Western Civilisation, it was prevalent in Ancient Greek Philosophy and re-emerged during the Enlightenment and the Reformation of European Christianity.

The rights of individuals were no longer solely imparted by God but by nature and our Material World through Reason*.

[*Side Note — The extent by which the claim that Reason Temples of Reason — supplanted the role of God — is slowly being revisited. Meaning, Cartesian Reasoning and Kantian Utopianism are engulfed in an unfolding crisis as the foundational ideas of Modernity and Post Modernity were simply inadequate to bring a sense of coherence to the emerging fitness landscape]

Many countries reference God in their Constitutions.

For example, in the United States, the omission of such a reference to the Divine Creator had imperilled the Constitution’s ratification and the viability of the New Republic.

To ameliorate these concerns, the first Congress of the United States approved the first amendment to the Constitution that begins: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”, which reflected a Religious Liberty and Freedom of Consciousness.

Separately, each of the 50 States of the United States mentions God or the Divine at least once in their Constitutions.

“God, who hath given the World to men in common, hath also given them reason to make use of it to the best advantage of life, and convenience. The earth, and all that is therein, is given to men for the support and comfort of their being”…

- John Locke

By combining Secularism with Liberalism, a new framework for Modern Society emerged.

Freedom of Religion and, simultaneously, the freedom of the Individual to criticise Religion through their Liberty (a Freedom of Conscious) and Human Agency — within the social constraints of Society — a Phronesis and Collective Wisdom.

Liberalism, Secularism, Democracy, the Social Contract, Public Sphere and the State

Democracy provides the nexus between the Individual and State by ensuring the State had to seek the consent of the people it governs through a process of human agency — e.g. voting, elections, civic engagement — and the Public Sphere [13g].

In the book — The Narrow Corridor [6b] — Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson — explore this permanent social and power struggle between the Citizen, State and Private Sector.

People defend their liberties and set constraints on how Institutions and the State impact those rights.

The ongoing navigation between two poles — authoritarianism & tyranny (Government overreach) and lawlessness (Business/Private Interest overreach) — provides a narrow corridor [6b] where a stable free Society could prosper.

A Social ContractHobbesian Bargain [6c] — between the Citizen who seeks liberty, democracy and protection from powerful interests and the State and Institutions who seek the legitimacy to govern.

In his 19th Century philosophical treatise — The Limits of State Action [6d] — Wilhelm von Humboldt explored the criteria that could determine the permissible limits of State activities.

Like John Stuart Mills, his core principle was preventing harm to others, and Humboldt saw the State's role as limited to security, welfare and morals.

Secular Liberalism in the late 20th and early 21st Century

Secular Liberalism drove the Industrial and Digital Revolutions, Human prosperity, the emergence of democracies around the World and Globalisation.

By the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall [7] in 1989, “The end of History” [8] was proclaimed.

The idea of Secular Liberalism had almost risen to the heights of a Universal Truth.

Humanity had now apparently eliminated all the complexity [9] and uncertainty [10] of reality — overcoming the inherent nature of the Human Condition [11].

A celebration of an Orthodoxy [12], a Modern Utopia [13] and a Scientific Technocracy [14][35].

A World of Materialism and Reductionism anchored increasingly in abstract forms of Cartesianism Reasoning and Aristotelian Term Logic.

A Modernity and Post Modernity based on dreams of a Kantian Utopia, Nominalism, the Absolute Idealism of Hegel, and the Structuralism & Materialism of Marx.

But had the eternal struggles of the Human Condition been overcome by Secular Liberalism?

Was our prevailing reality Secular Liberalism, or was it another social structure?

Were any fault lines emerging in some of the underlying axioms of Modernity and Post-Modernity?

In Why, Philosophy matters more than ever in the Age of Entanglement? [31], the fundamental changes in the Fitness Landscape underway for over 100 years were surveyed.

Complexity and interdependencies were becoming more and more apparent — the emergence of Quantum Mechanics — a globalised, networked economy, financial system, shipping, energy, people, geopolitics and transport — the emergence of the internet and a globally interconnected World — new powerful computational tools and systems — building environmental, social income and wealth imbalances — new forms of Sensemaking and Collective Sensemaking (e.g. Social Media) — new frameworks and theories for making sense of complexity — the rapid emergence and application of Information Theory — and — an increasing realisation that the prevailing Risk Models [12b] were ill-equipped for such a reality.

Together with shifting social structures, these trends were beginning to test the core foundational axioms of Secular Liberalism.

Cracks began appearing in the Temples of Reason [13a] and the polarisation arising from Post-Modern identity politics.

Human identity was far more complex (high-dimensional) than what was being presented.

Were we discrete autonomous physical agents in a Material World, or were we interdependent and interconnected — entangled?

An emerging crisis of the axioms of Secular Liberalism and a Legitimation Crisis of the State and Institutions to govern.

At one end of the spectrum, we were beginning to see the rise of the Sovereign Individual [13b] and Bitcoin [13c] — a universal global digital currency that lived in a Virtual World — a Metaverse — that had decoupled from the Nation-State, real economy, Material World, human production and innovation.

A view of money anchored in Cartesianism Quantum Abstraction, Abstraction^2, Abstraction upon Abstraction.

Apparently, digital money was now wealth rather than a “measuring stick” of the value of unleashing human potential in the Material World or a proxy of a Society's wealth and social contract.

Why have Friction and Human Relationships — Integrity, Benevolence, Reliability & Capability (Human Relationship Trust) — when you can have the Blockchain and Proof of Work (digital decentralised trust)?

At the other end of the spectrum was the emergence of the Market State [13d], where Governments and Corporations had increasingly become entangled [13e], including the reliance of Society on new powerful digital platforms and networks for citizens in a converging Digital and Material World.

The six crises of Secular Liberalism

Crisis of Meaning

“We do not have any clear, common and simple relation to reality and to ourselves. That is the big problem of the Western World”…

— Martin Heidegger

Despite warnings from the likes of Nietzsche [15] and Solzhenitsyn [16] on the removal of spirituality as the bedrock of Western Civilisation — recognising the limits of what we know [16b], we replaced it with a Primacy of Human Consciousness Rationality[16] — and a narrowing Materialism prism of Reality.

“The genuine coherence of our ideas does not come from the reasoning that ties them together, but from the spiritual impulse that gives rise to them” …

— Nicolas Gomez Davila

Crisis of Reason

Despite Gödel [17] highlighting the Limits of Logic [18] and how our axioms shape our perception of Reality — we embraced more and more algorithms [19] and reductionism.

“The misconception which has haunted philosophic literature throughout the centuries is the notion of ‘independent existence.’ There is no such mode of existence; every entity is to be understood in terms of the way it is interwoven with the rest of the universe”…

Alfred North Whitehead

Failing to recognise that abstraction by its very nature (reductionism) is a low-dimensional Mental World representation of a high-dimensional (i.e. complex) emergent Material World — the map was never the territory.

Ignoring the integrated [30][31] nature of ReasonMental World and Material World — we had increasingly separated our Mind from our Body [32] with a Cartesian partition and proclaimed:

“Cogito, ergo sum” …[33]

- Rene Descartes

“I think, therefore I am” … [33].

An increasing orientation towards Mental World abstraction and deductive reasoning— a formal Cartesian Term Logic — ill-equipped [30] to respond to the unfolding non-ergodic emergent qualities of reality and all its complexity.

“The Cartesian partition has penetrated deeply into the human mind during the three centuries following Descartes, and it will take a long time for it to be replaced by a really different attitude towards the problem of Reality”…

- Werner Heisenberg

Were we dismissing the qualia of our lived experience?

“The greatest weakness of the quantitative approach is that it decontextualises human behaviour, removing an event from its real-world setting and ignoring the effects of variables not included in the model”…

- Christian Madsbjerg

“Abduction is the process of forming an explanatory hypothesis. It is the only logical operation that introduces any new idea, for induction does nothing but determine a value, and deduction merely evolves the necessary consequences of a pure hypothesis”…

— Charles Sanders Peirce

“Both ignorance and the old metaphysics tend to produce these undesirable nervous effects of reversed order and so non-survival evaluation. If we use the nervous system in a way which is against its survival structure, we must expect non-survival. Human history is short, but already we have astonishing records of extinction”…

— Alfred Korzybski

Crisis of Social Justice

“Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality”…

– Edmund Burke

Despite Rawls [20] providing insights on what makes a just Society [21] and notions of human rights, but also human responsibilities [22] — a Symmetry — where liberty is balanced with morality — we focussed on identity [23], equated price to value [24], privatised meaning [25], and welcomed the invisible hand of the market [26] by embracing the Wealth of Nations[26], but omitting The Theory of Moral Sentiments [26], Veil of Ignorance [26a] and The Limits of the State [26b] — an Asymmetric perspective of Reality.

“Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist”…

– Edmund Burke

Crisis of Truth

Despite the Intuitive Mind [27][28] being a sacred gift [29] to navigate the complexity[9] of Reality — we focussed on the Rational Mindleft-brain algorithmic abstraction [18][19][30] — reductionism deduction — formal term logic — in our attempts to remove uncertainty and ambiguity.

A deep desire for certainty and to be comforted by absolute binary Ground Truths.

Compounding this was the emergence of Post Modernism [30a] across our Educational Institutions [30b] and Society.

Through ideas such as phenomenology, umwelt, relativism [30c], structuralism and materialism, our Institutions gradually began questioning the objectivity of the original Telos (Veritas — Truth) and the deep lessons and insights that could be drawn from the history of Western Civilisation.

An orthodoxy where power, language, culture and identity shape the nature of knowledge.

By doing so, our capacity to sensemake and reflect through a dialogue — Philosophia — to explore complex (high-dimensional) issues was increasingly curtailed.

Polarisation, Dogma and Ideology were increasingly replacing Learning and Dialogue.

“The metaphysics that a new generation is imbibing and everyone else is being force-fed has many points of instability is grounded in a desire to express certainty about things we do not know, and to be wildly dismissive and relativistic about things that we actually do know.”…

— Douglas Murray

Post Modernism [30d(i)] posits that there are no Universal Truths [30d] we are always inhibited by subjectivity, personal bias and relativity.

A perspective where Humans create our World — Hegel’s Second Nature.

Our ideas — Idealism [30d(i)] — largely create and shape our perspectives of Reality.

These types of thinking were all asymmetric.

In the case of Kant and Hegel, a Mental Structure ( i.e. Idealism Mental World abstraction ) perspective in the way we navigate Reality (forms of Cartesianism).

In the case of Marx, a Material World Materialism.

Symmetry is a fundamental principle of Good ReasonReason being a Quality — Reason is finding harmony between Mental World abstraction Ground Truths — and — Material World experience — Ground Motives.

Guided by the light that illuminates — a Logos.

We either had absolute algorithmic truths or no truths, rather than an Agapasm — a love of Truth — gradually acquired through a process of learning, experience, open inquiry and fallible disposition.

It was the antithesis of US 20th Century Philosopher Karl Popper's [30f] Theory of Falsification[30g] — the principles that underpin the separation of Science from Non-Science.

It was also the antithesis of US 20th Century Philosopher Charles Sanders Pierce's [30h] Theory of Truth [30i] and Theory of Inquiry [30j] — where uncertainty was the antecedent to all knowledge.

Popper and Peirce's ideas were anchored in fallibilism [30k] and epistemological humility [30l] a recognition of our Bounded Rationality and the inherent nature of the Human Condition.

Increasingly this search for truth was also being replaced by mainstream media narratives [12], stories and endless rolling waves of social media memes [12] as our Collective Sensemaking began to atomise.

An end of a Singularity and any Sense of Coherence, which was only accelerating through the embracement of a Technology Society.

Two polarised partisan Orthodoxies — Modernists and Post-Modernists.

A bifurcation — a hard fork — in our collective sensemaking [43] prisms of Reality.

Crisis of Epistemology

Rather than Knowledge — Epistemology — being anchored in relationships and interdependencies — reflecting the high-dimensional nature of causality in a complex and interdependent emergent Material World — we embraced more and more reductionism and abstraction [35] in pursuit of single absolute Ground Truths.

A regression from Aristotle’s multi-dimensional Theory of Causality and perspectives on Nature from ~300 BC.

We separated into silos the Natural Sciences from the Social Sciences from the Humanities.

Meta Physics from Physics

Semantic Abstraction from Computation

Materialism from Idealism

Reason from Meaning

Mind from the Body.

Ignoring our rich history of accumulating Practical Wisdom [36], Philosophy [31], Theology, Indigenous Wisdom [37] et al. — we converged towards a global orthodoxy [12] anchored in the rationalism of economics, science and worship of technology even though the type of reasoning embraced no longer needed to have any nexus with our Material World.

Failing to understand the symbiotic nature of Knowledge, the importance of Trust, together with the foundational role of the Primacy of Existence in revealing objective knowledge.

We were increasingly adrift on a sea of subjectivity (an Umwelt) — an ego-state anchored in the Primacy of Human Consciousness.

We viewed the Material World as a mechanical machine consisting of discrete parts rather than a dynamic complex adaptive system.

Algorithmic Management was being universally applied.

Embracing Cartesianism rather than a two-bodied form of reason that Charles Sanders Peirce had proposed in the early part of the 20th Century.

“Philosophy ought to imitate the successful sciences in its methods, so far as to…trust rather to the multitude and variety of its arguments than to the conclusiveness of any one. Its reasoning should not form a chain which is no stronger than its weakest link, but a cable whose fibres may be ever so slender, provided they are sufficiently numerous and intimately connected”…

- Charles Sanders Peirce

A network representation of knowledge where concepts could be expressed by their observable manifestations and interrelationships.

A Consilience where different forms of evidence converge.

A Unity of Knowledge.

By doing so, we had chosen to narrow the Overton Window [38] and the types of knowledge we could harness to support our collective intelligence [39] to solve the increasingly multi-dimensional social, economic, political and environmental challenges we faced.

Crisis of the role of the State

The emergence of a networked world had accelerated the polarisation in progressive and conservative beliefs — a balkanisation — amplifying orthodoxies — rather than seeing the universality of the Human Condition and encouraging dialogue, listening and seeking out different viewpoints.

At the same time, we were increasingly seeing the convergence of political layers of Government and Institutions with powerful business & interest groups.

Ignoring the Limits of the State [26b].

Was the Government, in exchange for its right to govern — granted by the people — still playing the role of providing the checks and balances on power in supporting the liberty, democracy and protection of citizens or were small groups of people increasingly shaping Society? [44][26b]

Final Thoughts

Is it really the “end of history [8]” or the beginning of a profound crisis in Secular Liberalism in an increasingly interdependent and networked World?

If our Leaders and Institutions no longer have the capacity [40][41] to navigate such a complex and uncertain World, will we see an accelerated erosion in Trust [12][42] and the Social Contract [12][42]?

An atomisation of common Meaning, Values, Truths and Beliefs which are increasingly being replaced by Ideologies [42], Orthodoxies [12] and Tribal Stories [43].

An emergent Legitimation Crisis [12][44].


[1 ] Secular Liberalism — Secular_liberalism

[2] Enlightenment — enlightenment

[3] Scientific Revolution —

[4] Christian Reformation —

[4a] Liberalism —

[4b] Secularism —

[5] The Long Night Ahead —

[6] Secular State —

[6b] The Narrow Corridor —

[6c] – Thomas Hobbes –

[6d] Wilhelm von Humboldt — The Limits of State Action —

[ 7] Fall of Berlin Wall — Fall of Berlin Wall: How 1989 reshaped the modern world — world-europe-50013048

[8] The End of History? — 24027184 — and — Francis Fukuyama Postpones the End of History — The political scientist argues that the desire of identity groups for recognition is a key threat to liberalism —

[9] The Complexity Void —

[10] The future by its very nature is Uncertain —

[11] Hannah Arendt: The Human Condition —

[12] The end of our eternal search for Truth and the Legitimation Crisis —

[12b] —

[13] A Modern Utopia — HG Wells —

[13a] Temples of Reason —

[13b] The Sovereign Individual —

[13c] BitCoin —

[13d] The emergence of the Market State — Philip Bobbitt: The Thought Leader Interview — The constitutional scholar and national security expert defines a new era of market statehood — 04109

[13e] The sovereign-bank-corporate nexus — virtuous or vicious? —

[13f] HyperNormalisation —

[13g] The Public Sphere —

[14] Synthesis… —

[15] ‘God is dead’: What Nietzsche really meant — The death of God didn’t strike Nietzsche as an entirely good thing. Without a God, the basic belief system of Western Europe was in jeopardy —

[16]Solzhenitsyn’s June 8, 1978, commencement address at Harvard — A World Split Apart — “This means that the mistake must be at the root, at the very basis of human thinking in the past centuries. I refer to the prevailing Western view of the world which was first born during the Renaissance and found its political expression from the period of the Enlightenment. It became the basis for government and social science and could be defined as rationalistic humanism or humanistic autonomy: the proclaimed and enforced autonomy of man from any higher force above him. It could also be called anthropocentricity, with man seen as the center of everything that exists” — a-world-split-apart

[16b] — Humility is Truth — — Everything We Cannot Know | Henry Gee —

[17] Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems — goedel-incompleteness

[18] Limits of Algorithms — The Yoda of Siliicon Valley —

[19] The limits of Logic — the-limits-of-logic-e6c27daf7687

[20]John Rawls — rawls

[21] A Theory of Justice —

[22]Solzhenitsyn’s June 8, 1978, commencement address at Harvard — A World Split Aparta-world-split-apart — and — John Rawls — rawls

[22a] John Rawls and the principles of political morality —

[23]How America’s identity politics went from inclusion to division —

[24] The Value of Everything —

[25]Anthony Kennedy and the Privatization of Meaning —

[26]The Wealth of Nations — the-wealth-of-nations — and — The theory of Moral Sentiments — the-theory-of-moral-sentiments

[26a] Veil of Ignorance —

[26b] The Limits of the State —

[27] The master and his emissary — the-master-and-his-emissary

[28] The Semantic Mind… —

[29]Einstein, Anne Lamott, and Steve Jobs on Intuition vs. Rationality —

[30] The Sensemaking Myth and a new integrated form of Reason… — It’s the prevailing forms of Reductionist Algorithmic Reasoning and Logical Abstraction that sit at the core of the growing system & complexity challenges we face — the-sensemaking-myth-and-a-new-integrated-form-of-reason-14048a33e2e6 – and – But is it science? – Theoretical physicists who say the multiverse exists set a dangerous precedent: science based on zero empirical evidence –

[30a] Post Modernism —

[30b] Michael Shermer with Gad Saad — The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense — watch

[30c]Relativism — relativism

[30d] Universal Truths — The Public Sphere — Philosophical Truths & Practical Truths — — and — In search of Ground Truths —

[30d(i)] Postmodernisn —

[30e]When Two Worlds Collide —

[30e1] Redux —

[30e2] The Flow — — and — To live is to Flow —

[30f] Karl Popper —

[30g] Theory of Falsification — Karl-Popper.html

[30h] Charles Sanders Peirce —

[30i] Theory of Truth —

[30j] Theory of Inquiry — 2022122

[30k] Fallibilism —

[30l] Humility is Truth & the Sea of Ignorance —

[31]Why Philosophy matters more than ever in the Age of Entanglement?… —

[32]The Mind Body Problem… —

[33] Cogito Ergo Sum —,_ergo_sum

[34] In search of Ground Truths… —

[35] — The limits of the Scientific Revolution and the end of Technocracy — The decline of a Modern Day Utopia —

[35b] –The antidote to fake news is to nourish our epistemic wellbeing —

[36] Practical Wisdom — Using our Practical Wisdom —

[37] Indigenous Wisdom — Sand Talk — How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World — Tyson Yunkaporta — sand-talk — Descartes was wrong: ‘a person is a person through other persons’ —

[38]Overton Window — OvertonWindow

[39] The emergence of Collective Intelligence —

[40] Sensemaking, the core skill of the 21 Century —

[41]The urgent shift required towards Ecosystem Leadership… —

[42] Ideology — Capital and Ideology — — “In the day Solzhenitsyn was arrested, February, 12, 1974, he released the text of “Live Not by Lies.” Solzhenitsyn equates “lies” with ideology, the illusion that human nature and society can be reshaped to predetermined specifications” — Live not by Lies” — 1974 — live-not-by-lies

[43] Collective sensemaking —

[43]Legitimation Crisis —

[44] Why Nations Fail? —



Richard Schutte
Richard Schutte

Written by Richard Schutte

Innovation, Intrapreneurship, Entrepreneurship, Complexity, Leadership & Community Twitter: @complexityvoid

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