The Self-Destruction of the West…
Nominalism, Materialism, Nihilism and Marxism
“The instinct of self-preservation and the urge to self-destruction are equally strong in man! The Devil has equal a sway over humanity as God until a time still unknown to us”…
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky
“The love of power is the demon of mankind’’…
— Friedrich Nietzsche
As briefly outlined in the Nature of Reality, the crisis of Modernity and Post-Modernity was at its core a metacrisis of Theology, Philosophy, and Metaphysics.
The Elite’s desire for a New World Order — a City of Man without a City of God.
Apparently, Man was now God ( i.e. the endemic embracement of the Theology of Marxism), and in doing so, had inevitably moved towards the metaphysics of Nominalism, Scientific Gnosticism, Materialistic Monism, and a New Totalitarianism.
“The French writers who laid the foundations of modern socialism had no doubt that their ideas could be put into practice only by a strong dictatorial government. To them socialism meant an attempt to “terminate the revolution” by a deliberate reorganisation of society on hierarchical lines, and the imposition of a coercive “spiritual power”. Where freedom was concerned, the founders of socialism made no bones about their intentions. Freedom of thought they regarded as the root-evil of nineteenth-century society, and the first of modern planners, Saint-Simon, even predicted that those who did not obey his proposed planning boards would be “treated as cattle”…
… Nobody saw more clearly than de Tocqueville that democracy as an essentially individualist institution stood in an irreconcilable conflict with socialism”…
— Friedrich Hayek
The hubris of Western Elite and their desire to decouple from the accumulated wisdom and refined intellectual thought of over 2,000 years of Western history.
“In the first decades of the twentieth century both Mussolini in his revolutionary stage and Gramsci spoke of socialism as the “religon destined to kill Christianity”…
— Augusto del Noce
These Modern progressive ideas were unfortunately not simply some theoretical academic discourse, but instead were having profound and dire real-world consequences as the essence of the ideology of Marxism is Man’s transformation and transcendence of reality.
Metaphysics being the science of reality — the philosophy of being.
Ideas have consequences and as we saw throughout the course of the 20th Century with the rise of different forms of Socialism such as the National Socialism of Germany and the Leninist Marxist Socialism of Russia & China, bad ideas can have catastrophic tragic consequences.
Despite this, by the 3rd decade of the 21st Century the ideas of Socialism, Communism, and Marxism were increasingly global in nature.
For example, British Fabianism (INGSOC), Technocratic Socialism, Euro Communism, Stakeholder Communism, and Cultural Marxism were in the advance stages of reshaping Western Society.
Furthermore, a Technology Society and Technology System anchored in a Reasoning focused on transforming Physical Nature at will and without limits.
The embracement of technology being applied to transforming society had become the playbook for the globalist elite.
A New Totalitarianism combined with Techno Feudalism.
“Today an alliance is possible between the bourgeois and the techno-bureaucratic classes, in the oligarchic-dirigist-planning regime which is currently looming over us”…
- Augusto del Noce
Human reason was gradually being outsourced to machines and ever larger more powerful computer systems were being used to strip mine (via Large Language Models) the high-dimensional semiotic landscapes of human meaning-making by vacuuming up more and more data (i.e. semiotic signs) from the internet and supplementing this with synthetic data.
But in doing so, had the semiotic triadic and pragmatic maxim been increasingly decoupled, and was the intellectual orthodoxy confusing syntax for semantics?
Did the Computer really understand?
“Throughout Finnegans Wake, Joyce specifies the Tower of Babel as the Tower of Sleep, that is, the tower of the witless assumptions, or what Bacon calls the rein of the idols”…
— Marshall McLuhan
Were we increasingly seeing the enshittification of the internet, and the ever-growing risk of creating Towers of Sleep and Towers of Babel?
The Order of Things
“It is modern times that need eternal ideas, not the other way around”…
- Augusto del Noce
Marxism, Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism, Scientific Gnosticism, Artificial General Intelligence, Trans Humanism, and Materialistic Monism were all Modern & Post-Modern ideas inconsistent with +2,000 years of accumulated and refined intellectual thought of Western Civilisation.
“We live in the complete eclipse of traditional ideals, an eclipse that can make one think it is a “sunset”. Since 1945 a new historic period has begun: that of home progressivus. But is it a question of “rising ideals”, or of “the obscuration of intelligence”?”…
- Augusto del Noce
Could one really separate Science and its underlying Axioms from its Philosophical and Theological foundations?
“Western society realises the essence of Marxism:radical atheism and materialism, internationalism and universal non-belonging, the primacy of praxis and the death of philosophy, the domination of production and the universal manipulation of nature”…
— Augusto del Noce
Modernity and Post-Modernity was denying the existence of God, the spiritual realm, transcendental metaphysics, realism, the existence of an immortal soul and the eternal (an after-life) which were all central tenets of Western Civilisation intellectual thought.
The recognition of the Necessary Being of God as the Creator and the Contingent Being of Man as the Created.
Could history now simply be explained through the prism of Man and an Historical Materialism?
A Phenomenon of Will — a Will to Power — that ignored Divine Illumination and Divine Providence?
Were Truths and Beliefs simply a progressive Social Construct (Conscious Self — Ego) — a Modern Sophism — that ignored the Eternal?
The notion of Universals/Realism and Normative Science — What ought to be? — Truth, Right and Beauty (e.g. Logic, Ethics (Morality), Aesthetics (Beauty))?
Was Reason simply a form of Instrumentalism — a Technological Means to an End — a Hegelian Second Nature — to reshape Reality into whatever the prevailing zeitgeist and beliefs were of Man at the time?
Or was Reason a Gift that required the integration of the Soul and Mind (Faith and Reason), the eternal with the temporal?
“European civilisation rose on the principle of a world of universal and eternal truths, in which all men participate — on the principle of the Logos, in other words”…
— Augusto del Noce
Was a World increasingly anchored in the Primacy of Human Consciousness — Conscious Self — Ego sufficient to generate new knowledge?
Was there a failure to recognise that nominalism’s truth claims are conventional rather than natural which therefore inevitably leads to order being imposed by force — a will to power?
Was Man on an accelerating path towards an Omega Point, the Singularity, and Absolute Idealism?
Or was there inherent limitations to the nature of the Human Condition — a Fallibility of Man — limitations to the Conscious Self — Ego?
Reflective of the Contingent Being of Man.