The Great Awakening…
The Pursuit of Objective Truth and the Universality of Reason
“Thought will be spread abroad in the world with the rapidity of light: instantly conceived, instantly written, instantly understood at the extremities of the earth — it will spread from pole to pole. Sudden, instant, burning with the fervour of soul which made it burst forth, it will be the reign of the human soul in all its plenitude”…
— Alphonse de Lamartine, 1831
“All attempts to find a way out of the plight of today’s world are fruitless unless we redirect our consciousness, in repentance, to the Creator of all; without this, no exit will be illumined, and we shall seek it in vain”…
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“Every man is fully satisfied that there is such a thing as truth, or he would not ask any question”…
— Charles Sanders Peirce
In the July 2020 article The Public Sphere — Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric the key question posed was:
Can the Internet still become the Public Sphere of the 21st Century?
The article highlighted how the emergence of the Gutenberg Printing Press profoundly changed the world as information was increasingly democratised and flowed more & more freely.
This trend was then extrapolated to new technology — the arrival of the internet in the second half of the 20th Century — where the cost of communication, collaboration, and coordination accelerated on its path towards zero.
A free-flowing ocean of information – the internet was a quantum version of the Gutenberg Printing Press.
Despite the increasing complexity and interconnectedness of our World (i.e. an Age of Entanglement) and the exponential increases in the bandwidth and diffusion of information (i.e. semantic signs (relationships of meaning) distributed via semantic sign machines such as computers and the development of new semantic languages ), Humanity’s capacity to understand the nature of Reality was once again being inhibited post arrival of the internet.
“Suppression of information leads to entropy and total destruction”…
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“European civilisation rose on the principle of a world of universal and eternal truths, in which all men participate — on the principle of the Logos, in other words”…
— Augusto del Noce
Increasing darkness as the principle of Logos, universals and eternal truths in which all men participate were increasingly being manipulated, shaped and controlled.
“ Since this early beginning, every revolution has depended on widespread dissimulation of information to the masses in the form of carefully crafted “managed truths.” We know that propaganda played a vital role not only in our own American revolt but also in the French Revolution, the Revolution of 1848, the rise of National Socialism in Germany and Fascism in Italy, as well as in modern communist revolutions. One of the central aspects of mass propaganda is “the lie,” which is always shrouded with a modicum of truth, however small.”…
— Russell L Blaylock
A Reality where Man was now God (the Theology of Marxism).
“ Marx’s idea is that materialism, in order to be consistent, must forego presenting itself as a philosophy of comprehension and must interpret thought not as a revelation but as an activity that transforms reality” …
– Augusto del Noce
“For Aristotle, philosophy originates from wonder at reality. Ancient philosophy is therefore first and foremost open to reality, aimed at objective truth” …
– Augusto del Noce
A Reality that was increasingly replacing:
- Man and God — Triadic Intellectual Structures that reflected the relationship between the Necessary Being Of God (Creator) with the Contingent Being of Man and the Natural World (Created). The relationship between the Primacy of Human Consciousness and Primacy of Existence. Ideas that combined Faith & Reason (the Gift of Reason) and the Eternal with the Temporal. The pursuit of Truth.
- Man as God — Gnosticism, Absolute Idealism (Hegel), Infinite Errors, Dialectical Materialism [ LINK ] [ LINK ](Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung), Historical Materialism (Marx), Second Nature (Hegel), The Cunning of Reason (Hegel and Marx), Omega Point (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin). A Primacy of Human Consciousness. A Will to Power.
Given that Reality was no longer a process of Discovery (an Objective Reality revealed by the pursuit of Truth) but instead was now a construct of the Conscious Self- Ego (a Subjective Reality — an Umwelt) of Man, it was inevitable that Reality would need to be imposed through force (e.g. educational indoctrination, censorship, propaganda, an intellectual orthodoxy).
“The free people of the West could reasonably have been expected to realise that they are beset by numerous freely nurtured falsehoods, and not to allow lies to be foisted upon them so easily”…
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
As a result:
- Main Stream Media's primary function was to manage the Truth;
- The Intellectual Orthodoxy were central in shaping Public Narratives;
- Algorithms were critical in Governance and shaping the Public’s perception of Reality;
- Universities telos was increasingly a process of cultural, social & political transformation and indoctrination rather than the pursuit of Truth (Veritas);
- Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung’s Dialectical Materialism was the playbook of transformation;
- Education was increasingly Marxified [ LINK ] [ LINK ] [ LINK ] — the Long March [ LINK ] [ LINK ] ;
- Technology, a Technology Society and a Technology System were symbiotic in implementing the Theology of Marxism (Technology & Marxism being two sides of the same ideological coin (i.e. Man creates and transforms Reality)). Technology enables the Marxists to impose Reality by force; and
- A New Totalitarianism emerges to maintain and enforce the illusions of the Intellectual Orthodoxy.
“Totalitarianism and secularism are inseparable … the totalitarian danger can present itself today in a new form, more dangerous because it does not call itself such” …
— Augusto del Noce
[ LINK ]
Secular Liberalism had metastasised into a Karl Popper Paradox of Tolerance ( i.e. an intolerance for any ideas apart from an orthodoxy of secular liberalism) and an Augusto del Noce New Totalitarianism.
“Following a backlash against socialist governments in the aftermath of World War II, it was suggested that the Fabians drop the word “socialist” and instead substitute the term “economic democracy.” This term has been used repeatedly throughout the latter part of the 20th century by gradualist socialists and the new left. It was soon after the turn of the century, in fact, that the socialists pulled their most brilliant coup. This occurred when they appropriated the label “liberal.” They were well aware that classical liberal principles were opposite to theirs, but that made the theft even more exciting. In fact, until recently, most Europeans were puzzled that American collectivists referred to themselves as “liberals”, since they understood that they were opposing terms”…
— Russell Blaycock
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The Truth will set you Free
“He is free to evade reality, he is free to unfocus his mind and stumble blindly down any road he pleases, but not free to avoid the abyss he refuses to see”…
— Ayn Rand
By the third decade of the 21st Century, the folly — the Theatre of the Absurd — of the West’s embracement of Marxist ideology was becoming more and more apparent.
However, through this growing cognitive dissonance it was once again evident that there was a Reality beyond Subjective Human Thought (the Conscious Self — Ego).
The embracement of the Theology of Marxism and a Technology Society was not only leading to a new form of totalitarianism that combined communism with fascism and socialism with capitalism (i.e. Dengism) but it was also leading to a Legitimation Crisis.
“It has never happened that a ruling class reviews the ideology on which it rests all the way to its deepest roots if not forced to”…
— Augusto del Noce
An increasing Decoupling from Reality as we moved further to the front of the Theatre of the Absurd.
As outlined in the April 2020 article Collective Sensemaking — Community, Networks and Meaning, the emergence of the Internet whilst posing risks to Humanity, Freedom and Human Flourishing was also providing a pathway forward for a renewal in our Collective Sensemaking.
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The September 2021 article The Knowledge Society — The Network Topology of Knowledge highlighted how 20th Century Economist and Intellectual Friedrich Hayek had already exposed in 1945 the folly of Socialism, Collectivism and more and more centralised control & management of information.
21st Century podcasts, social media, new media and these global networks were illuminating this truth and exposing the Nietzschean Will to Power [ LINK ] [ LINK ] of the Globalists and Marxists.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”…
— Voltaire
AI and the City of Man colliding with the City of God.
Illuminating the folly of the Theatre of The Absurd and the Fifth Column intent on the Destruction of the West.
“The love of power is the demon of mankind’’…
— Friedrich Nietzsche
The pursuit of Truth ( the Logos) will once again illuminate the light of God and set Man free.
“ln the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on” …
[ LINK ]
Below are multiple examples of courageous altrocentric leaders who will save Western Civilisation. The pursuit of Objective Truth still matters.