“Second, there is a working-class who are becoming more like medieval serfs, with diminishing chances of owning significant assets or improving their lot except with government transfers”…
― Joel Kotkin, The Coming of Neo-Feudalism: A Warning to the Global Middle Class
“Although we had been warned by some of the greatest political thinkers of the nineteenth century, by Tocqueville and Lord Acton, that socialism means slavery, we have steadily moved in the direction of socialism”…
― Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom
“The word ‘truth’ itself ceases to have its old meaning. It describes no longer something to be found, with the individual conscience as the sole arbiter of whether in any particular instance the evidence (or the standing of those proclaiming it) warrants a belief; it becomes something to be laid down by authority, something which has to believed in the interest of unity of the organized effort and which may have to be altered as the exigencies of this organized effort require it”…
― Friedrich August von Hayek, The Road to Serfdom
“When there is no such thing as truth, you can’t define reality, and when you can’t define reality, the only thing that matters is power”…
— Maajid Nawaz
[ LINK ]
“Today an alliance is possible between the bourgeois and the techno-bureaucratic classes, in the oligarchic-dirigist-planning regime which is currently looming over us” …
– Augusto del Noce
As we move through the 3rd decade of the 21st Century what continues to transpire raises profound and fundamental questions that go to the very essence of Western Civilisation and its unfolding self-destruction.
Why would Western Civilisation allow the shift to a Post-Truth Society?
Why would Western Civilisation Universities become Post-Truth?
Why would Western Civilisation Education Institutions commit a Classical Patricide?
Why would Marxism become endemic across Western Society?
Why would Western Civilisation Education be Marxified?
Why would our Western Civilisation Education Institutions be dominated by a Neo-Gnostic Secular Progressive Liberal Orthodoxy?
Why would Western Civilisation who apparently believes in Democracy and the “voice of the people” intervene in the Democratic process?
Why would Western Civilisation attempt to control freedom of speech and freedom of consciousness?
Why would Western Civilisation attempt to manage truth?
Why would Western Civilisation transfer inalienable rights granted by God to human rights granted by the State or a trans national organisation?
Why would Western Civilisation move away from Natural Laws and Eternal Laws to Positive Laws (Legal Positivism) where truth claims are a Social Construct (a Marxist Theory of Law)?
“To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law”…
— Martin Luther King Jr.
Why would Western Civilisation allow the notion of Money to be reframed from a “measuring stick of physical weath creation”, a “price for risk”, “compensation for uncertainty”, “Man against the Gods” to a Marxist Social Construct — a shift to magic money?
Why would the Western Civilisation Economic Orthodoxy embrace economic theories that no longer have any nexus to Reality?
Why would Western Civilisation Finance Academics all go to the same schools and embrace the same models and economic and financial theories (despite all the complexity of the material realm and human fallibility)?
Why would Western Civilisation embrace the narrative of Artificial General Intelligence based on mechanical machines, silicon and abstraction when 20th Century Swiss Psychologist Jean Piaget Theory of Intelligence is captured in the following quote “So we must start from this dual nature of intelligence as something both biological and logical”?
Why would Western Civilisation attempt to mechanise the Human Mind?
Why would Western Civilisation attempt to mechanise the Human Body?
Why would Western Civilisation attempt to mechanise Nature?
Refer — Geoengineering Could Turn Skies White
Refer — Genetically modified mosquitoes could soon be released in one Australian state
Why would Western Civilisation transform Science ( a process of asking questions, open inquiry and discovery of the Natural World) into Scientific Socialism ( a process of Marxist Social Engineering) ?
Refer – Scientific Socialism [ LINK ]
“Science at its best is an open-minded method of inquiry, not a belief system”…
– Rupert Sheldrake
Why would Western Civilisation Universities shift from the Primacy of Existence as the Foundation of Knowledge to the Primacy of Human Consciousness being the arbiter to test truth claims? [ Noting the rise and rise of Peer Reviews and the ignorance of Charles Sanders Peirce’s Semiotic Triadic and Pragmatic Maxim]
Why would neo-gnosticism be universally embraced by as a surrogate for Christianity by the European Educated Class?
Why would Western Civilisation ignore the philosophical ideas of America’s greatest thinker (an Modern Aristotle) — Charles Sanders Peirce, yet the ideas of modern and post-modern European Philosophers such as Nietzsche, Hegel, Marx, Frankfurt School and Derrida are almost universally embraced?
Why would Western Civilisation enframe Technology as Bestand — a Standing Reserve which extends to how Humans are perceived?
Why would Western Civilisation embrace a Technology Society and a Technology System?
Why would Western Civilisation embrace Dialectical Materialism that combines Idealism and Materialism?
Why would Western Civilisation embrace Scientific Gnosticism?
Why would Western Civilisation allow an ever growing Wealth and Inequality gap across its Citizens?
Why would Western Civilisation allow the role of the Citizen to die?
Why would Western Civilisation allow the Death of God?
Why would Western Civilisation increasingly ignore the role that Christianity played in building Western Civilisation?
Is this the answer to all of the above Questions ?
“The French writers who laid the foundations of modern socialism had no doubt that their ideas could be put into practice only by a strong dictatorial government. To them socialism meant an attempt to “terminate the revolution” by a deliberate reorganisation of society on hierarchical lines, and the imposition of a coercive “spiritual power”. Where freedom was concerned, the founders of socialism made no bones about their intentions. Freedom of thought they regarded as the root-evil of nineteenth-century society, and the first of modern planners, Saint-Simon, even predicted that those who did not obey his proposed planning boards would be “treated as cattle”…
… Nobody saw more clearly than de Tocqueville that democracy as an essentially individualist institution stood in an irreconcilable conflict with socialism”…
— Friedrich Hayek
“It is not the truth of Marxism that explains the willingness of intellectuals to believe it, but the power that it confers on intellectuals, in their attempts to control the World. And since, as Swift says, it is futile to reason someone out of a thing that he was not reasoned into, we can conclude that Marxism owes its remarkable power to survive every criticism to the fact that it is not a truth-directed but a power-directed system of thought”…
— Roger Scruton
“The love of power is the demon of mankind”…
— Friedrich Nietzsche
“Although we had been warned by some of the greatest political thinkers of the nineteenth century, by Tocqueville and Lord Acton, that socialism means slavery, we have steadily moved in the direction of socialism”…
― Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom